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Writer's pictureJanine Habana

A balanced life. Is it really good for us?

At university I remember learning about homeostasis, and this concept fascinated me. For a system to be in a state of 'homeostasis', it means that all factors are pushing and pulling, rising and falling, more or less in synch with one another, in order to maintain a constant form of balance within the natural system. However, it is exactly the rhythm of the opposing factors engaging with one another, that keep natural systems going. The push and pull, rising and falling pressures. Theoretically, if the human body was to be at a state of 100% homeostasis, it would die. SO without becoming too technical, this indicates to me that it is the imbalances which create momentum and propells us forward in life. A truly 'homeostatic' system will not progress forward, in concept. It will just, well, exist. So everyday stressors and imbalances can be beneficial for us, as they actually drive us forward to achieve dreams and goals. It is a healthy amount of imbalance (stress) that gets us up in the morning, ready to take on another day in the hope of conquering our responsibilities. But, as in all concepts, there are the extremes. And well, we live in a time where unfortunately our lives and levels of stress have become just that: Extreme.

Excessively high levels of stress over time, go beyond what the body can deal with, and starts to corrode our physical and mental wellness. The idea here is, that it has become very important for our generation, and those following us, to be aware of when stressors become excessive. In the light of this, I present to you, an insightful nugget of knowledge I have benefitted from for years: the wellness wheel.

Wellness is a lifelong journey. It is an active process of making choices and commitment within the six dimensions of wellness. The wellness wheel is a pie-chart graph with six segments. It is designed to help you better understand how the six dimensions work independently and together. Using a crayon, one starts at the center of the wheel and colour the area that illustrates your satisfaction with each wellness dimension in your life. This will create a new outer edge. How smoothly will your wheel roll?

The dimensions are:







Emotional: Awareness of feelings-thoughts-philosophies, able to express feelings freely, positive & enthusiastic, assessment of limitations, relaxation, coping with stress, support from others, take responsibility for actions, take risk, recognize conflict

Physical: Physical activity, recreation, sports, physical checkups, self-care, health, energy level, nutrition, weight management, self image, posture, personal hygiene, sleep and rest patterns

Occupational: Current situations, vacations, educational opportunities, retirement plans, insurance, benefits, sense of fulfillment, potential growth, challenge offered, cam

araderie, satisfaction, self-improvement, business skills, helping others, developing staff

Spiritual: Personal philosophy, commitment, tradition, church affiliation, faith, prayer life, spiritual fulfillment, feeling of tapping into a greater power, meaning of life

Social/Family: Relationships, social skills, community involvement, charitable efforts, friendships, reputation, clubs organizations, service to country, parenting skills, family activities, reunions, values shared, love relationship, vacations

Intellectual: continuing education, mentors, hobbies, music, significant ideas, formal education, growth experiences, creative activities, cultural growth, attitudes.

If you feel you aren't sure whether or not your wheel is in balance, that might be the first sign that you actually need to hold up a metaphorical mirror, colour in a wellness wheel and see where your imbalances are. Will your wheel roll along smoothly?

(Source: National Wellness Institute)

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Great website & articles, super informative and inspirational :)



Hi there and welcome to my blog! My name is Janine Habana: Super lucky wife and mom of (soon to be) two boys. I am a fitness professional, passionate about pregnancy and post-pregnancy fitness, women and all the things that make us who we are! I hope this blog will bring you encouragement, information, and inspiration!

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